The Indaqua Oliveira de Azeméis received certification "LAC - Leader in Customer Service - Safe & Care"for quality of service and compliance with the Directorate-General of Health's guidelines for COVID-19. Managed in Portugal by the Portuguese Institute for Customer Relations, the international LAC program makes an exhaustive evaluation of all aspects of a company's relationship with its customers.

The company that manages the water and sanitation systems in the Lands of La Salette has seen the quality of both face-to-face, telephone, and e-mail service proven.

In the telephone contact, parameters such as:

  • relation
  • language
  • transferring a call
  • parting of the call

While e-mail responses were evaluated by wait time, personalization, structure, language, and contact information.

  • waiting time
  • customization
  • structure
  • language
  • content

Tiago Fragata, its general manager, points out that Indaqua has been working for "the qualitative development content of its service".